Change in 2025 - when will it end?

Each year, we hope for stability, a sense of "business as usual," and maybe even a little boredom. But let's be honest—change is the only constant in any organization, team, or individual's life.

So, what major shifts should you prepare for in 2025? Let’s dive into the macro—and even micro—changes that will impact businesses and teams in the coming year.

1) Economic pressures: Political landscapes are ever changing, and economic changes, inflation and cost of living pressures are all having impacts on organisation, and individuals. This has meant reviewing strategies, needing to change direction where profits and margins are compromised. When a consumer has less to spend, they become more discerning. In times where there aren't necessarily economic constraints, decision making becomes a little lazy in organisations and this can lead to cost blow outs which may go unnoticed.

At times where the profits are more constrained, operating costs are scrutinised. It's all part of the economic cycle and flow. Any operational cost changes then result in change for people within the organisation. Programs being funded change, accountability becomes even more important. All changes then being made as a result can either be rushed and mis-managed or handled well and respectfully to maintain a sense of purpose even in tough times.  And don't mistake disengagement of your workforce with poorly handled change to be short term. It will take your people to recover from the short term thinking from poorly managed change than your bottom line. At times like these it is good to remind yourself what is within your control as opposed to what be out of your hands in times like these and focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't.  Consider how you or your organisation may 

 2) The rise of Artificial Intelligence. AI can suffer from a bit of the 'shiny, shiny' syndrome somewhat unfairly. but many are talking about it not understanding the levels of AI that can be utilised and that have already been utilised in organisations that have been handling their data well and for many years. So AI seems new, but it is decades old. Now though, it is breaking into the general psyche and if your strategy areas aren't engaging with its principles and integrating the pacing and introduction of AI in your organisation then prepare to be left behind.

3) Leadership, leadership, leadership. Yes, the conversation and focus and demands on leaders will be ever present this year. Reviewing and recruiting and retaining the right capabilities will either be presenting your organisation with a competitive advantage or a competitive constraint. The need to have leaders be able to engage, communicate and create high performing teams will be the make or break for many. There is no getting away from the fact that many who hold leadership positions are experts in their field but not leaders as such will mean this can be challenging for those who can't shift their thinking from doing the work, to creating the optimal environment in which the work can be done. So training and capability development in areas such as change leadership, teaming and how to create a psychologically safe environment for teams to perform will be top of mind.

These are just three of the main change horizons and mountains to climb for organisations this year. In an ever changing world, the difference will be the mindset, self-awareness and ability to remain focused and calm among the times this year where there may be choppy waters. 

The question is how change-ready are you and your organisation?


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